God's child.

The Bible


First - City Harvest Church

April 2009

image base made in scribbler

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stay TunED, for the next part - our privilege as Christians. =)

e Quiet time is not just a nice suggesstion; it is a VITAL NECESSITY for a child of GOD.
1:59 PM;

why should we have a Quiet time?
e Bible gives us 3 maj0r reasons.

1. Bc0s we nid fell0wship wit GOD.
2. Bc0s it is our privilege as Christians.
3. Bc0s we gain tremendous benefits from it.

0k, now, point one, why is daily fell0wship with GOD so important??
[+] we, yes it includes you, are created to have fell0wship with GOD.

[we are the only creatures in all creation that hav the capacity to have fellowship with the Creator!]

[+] Jesus Christ died on the Cross so that fell0wship could be rest0red.
[when Adam sinned, his fellowship with GOD was br0ken. and all of us sinners who have followed in Adam's footsteps cannot by nature have fellowship with a pure and holy God.but God considered that relationsip important enough to send His Son into the world to die for our sins so that we might again have the privilege of a personal relationship with Him.]

[+] the regular Quiet time during Jesus's ministry was a source of His strength.
[personal fellowship with His Father in heaven was top priority of Jesus' life. see mark 1:35;luke 5:16;22:39-44. He was never too busy for it; in fact, when His ministry was the busiest, that's when He made certain that He kept in touch with the Father daily. see John 5:30. if Jesus needed this time with the Father, how much more we need it !

[+] every great man or woman of God throughout history has spent much time alone with God.
[ if you want to find out what a man is really like, find out what he is like alone with GOD. Martin Luther once said, " I have so much to do today that I must spend at least 3 hrs in prayer." the busier he was, the more time he needed with GOD! ]

[+] we cann0t be healthy growing christians without daily fell0wship with the LORD.
[ have you ever gone without food for a day? if you kept it up, you would get weak and sick. the same is true in your spiritual life, for the Bible is the necessary food for your soul. if you go without reading it, it will take long for you to get spiritually weak and sick. yet many christians get by with one "meal" per weak (some perhaps two) in church on sundays. you would not survive long on 1 or 2 physical meals per week, so how can you in your spiritual life? ]

every heard of this vs, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of GOD?

Have you ever g0ne for some time without a bath? if you have, you will know how "sticky" you feel after a while and how yr odors get more pronounced. the Bible says that when we read the Word of GOD, we are cleansed. a daily Quiet time is a spiritual bath. Many christians who would not think of offending their friends by not bathing regularly do not realize that they can be offensive to the LORD with their spiritual odors! (see Psalms 119:9 ; Ephesians 5:26, John 15:3 )
it can be concluded, that if you r n0t having a regular QT,....

> you are missing out on the privilege for which you were created.
> you are rejecting that which Jesus died for, to make possible.

> you'll never experience the same power and refreshment Jesus did.
> you'll never b used greatly by GOD.
> you'll remain a weak and sickly Christian all your life.

"but i don't have time!" is an excuse we hear so often. every person inte world has exactly e same amt of time each wk -168 hrs. and you will spend some of those hrs on things you think are important. you don't have time for everything. you must make time for things that REALLY count. its not a matter of time. its a matter of priorities.

the key to making time for the QT is your commitment to CHRIST and the Kingdom of GOD. Jesus stated, "Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things willbe given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33) put GOD first in yr life and you will have more time. who is the Giver of time in yr life anyway? DON'T let anything rob you of that time of fellowdship with the LORD. preserve it at all costs. If Jesus Christ is first in yr life, you ought to give Him the best part of every day. yr Quiet time should be the absolute number one priority commitment of your life.

e Quiet time is not just a nice suggesstion; it is a VITAL NECESSITY for a child of GOD.
1:10 PM;

there are
3 chapters .
1. Why should we have a Quiet time?
2. How to have a meaningful Quiet time with GOD?
3. How to deal with common problems in the Quiet time.

e Quiet time is not just a nice suggesstion; it is a VITAL NECESSITY for a child of GOD.
11:53 AM;

the Quiet time is simply a daily time of personal fellowship with GOD through the Word and prayer. it is a time we deliberately set aside in which to meet with HIM.
the objective is that , we might grow in our personal relationship with GOD, so we can know Him, love Him, and become more like Him.


i hope this material blesses your walk with our Precious Saviour. :)

e Quiet time is not just a nice suggesstion; it is a VITAL NECESSITY for a child of GOD.
11:53 AM;